Waa Waa… Narak Lak … Waa Waa… Laok Inak
Wilil Himan - Walilo Alua is a group of Wita clan and Waya clan within the Dani Tribe who resides around the village of Suroba and Dugum. This story is derived from the front cover.
Back in the olden days, when warfare was frequent amongst the tribes, Suroba and Dugum were a united community who fought against its enemies in Tulem or in Warabaga. During that period, they had many reliant soldiers, amongst them were: Wali, Alhorok, Segearek, Nilik, Obahorok, Siba, Asuan, Yalimo, Pukale, and many more. At night they would regularly gather in the Pilamo (House/main hut for the men) to strategize their attack and defense, also assigning jobs for the men, including : to Hanomoak, seen in the picture standing on top a watch tower "Kayou" when the sun star rising. There are a number of watchtowers which have been placed around gardens. The main watchtower has to be guarded by Hanomoak alone, because he was the one with the most talented in espionage. Perhaps there would be an enemy who infiltrated passed the bushes or the ilalang grass.... And if they were there! You will see the little "Sue" birds fly hastily while making loud noises, which were signs of the hiding enemy. Thus, the war-chief Nilik, a front line soldier who was brave and strong (seen in the picture standing on top of the Watibaga hill, while being prudent and holding his bow and arrow which he brought everywhere), prepares to give war commands towards the infiltrating enemy who were willing to disturb the ladies and mothers who were working in the gardens.
This short story will further be exposed and be told again in the short book "Suroba and Dugum, Cikal Bakal Pariwisata di Lembah Baliem”
In the end, these soldiers reached their old age and one by one left us. Living behind everlasting stories of heroism, passed down to their grand-children; making them known as “the last warriors” who always shouts "Etai" (sign of victory). But in this new millennium, the shouts of victory of Etai will no longer be for war, but for the spirit and motivation of struggle in maintaining the identity and integrity of the Dani with great pride especially in their contribution to tourism on the Baliem Valley.
To conclude this story, we would like to offer you more of us with our guesthouse. So that we can achieve our dreams that the Suroba and Dugum people will always exist to build tourism in the Baliem Valley.
Chairman : ALES KOSSAY HP : + 6281 2139 55511
Secretary : WILIUS WILIL HP : + 6285 2442 77390
GARDEN OF WAR life and death in the new gunea stone age. Please, open this website :